Getting started guide for Administrators

Table of Contents
This guide is designed to get your agency setup and productive as quickly as possible to get the most out of your trial.

Step-by-Step Guide

Designed to be completed in 15-20 minutes, this step-by-step guide provides quick, hands-on instructions to get your agency up and running in Evertel.

Invite Executive Team

It's important during the trial that you have as many of your agency's executives included and aware of the trial as possible.

How to invite employees to Evertel
Onboard Your Executives

We have compiled a list of helpful tips and resources to help you onboard your executive team.

Resources for onboarding executives
Invite Command Staff

Now that your executive team is up and running, it's time to get your Command staff started.

How to invite your Command staff
Onboard Command Staff

We have compiled a list of tips and resources to help you onboard your Command staff.

Resources for onboarding Command staff

Resources to Onboard Executive Staff

We have created several documents to simplify the process of onboarding and presenting to your executive staff.

Executive Presentaion

Benefits for Executives Handout

Comparison Handout

Resources to Onboard Command Staff

We have created several documents to simplify the process of onboarding and presenting to your Command staff.

Presentation for Command Staff

Command Presentaion

Benefits for Command

Benefits for Command Handout

Additional Videos

Here are some additional videos we think might be helpful as you begin your journey with us.

Evertel Demonstration

How to Run Usage Reports

How to Manage Users

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